Crown of Ash - Late pledge store

Created by CARD NOIR

Crown of Ash is a game of warring necromancers for 1 - 4 players, combining worker placement and area control to test players' resolve!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Automaton Art and Visio Cameo
over 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 11:17:57 AM

The final piece of art for the Automaton fighters is here. I think it looks pretty awesome! Not to blow my own trumpet... I'm here all week folks.

Also Visio has made a Cameo in the game Passenger on also on Kickstarter now. 

Absolutely love how illustrator and fellow game designer Joost Das has interpreted Visio, somehow it's incredibly cute! Check out the campaign.

Yet more Stretch Goals reached! - New Goals Announced - New language available
over 1 year ago – Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 08:53:25 AM

We've had a surge in backers and blasted through our next two stretch goals! I didn't even get a chance to change the graphic on the KS page. So thank you to everyone who has backed so far. Through your support we're making this game the best it can be.

The first one is included with the Rising Fighters Module. A lovely screenprinted bag to store all those standees in. Once a player has raised a fighter, they'll take the relevant card from the market, place it in a stack next to them (for end game scoring) and can retrieve their shiny new fighter from the bag.

The next is a custom insert (not pictured). I've started some initial layouts for this already because I couldn't help myself. But we won't know the end design until we finalise all of the components for the game.

The aim is to leave ample room for card sleeves and if possible to store the standees too. But until we get into the specifics we won't know for sure. I'll be keeping backers informed on this post campaign.

Next to unlock is a harder targeted Solo mode card. The solo mode is already pretty tough and players can easily adjust the difficulty but this new card will take the difficulty up to the next level by tageting players where they are least prepared

The next goal will add beautiful wooden coins into the Deluxe and All-In pledges. These will be slightly larger and more tactile than the chits. A real treat for all those gold hoarders out there. You know who you are!

We're excited to be working with Czech publisher TLAMA Games to bring a fully localised versionCrown of Ash to Czechia. The language will be available via this campaign and can be selected in the Pledge Manager.

Mors Asymmetric Player Power
over 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 06:30:08 AM

As previously mentioned Crown of Ash will have some advanced player powers that bring asymmetry to the Lords. We've been play-testing how these will work for for a while and so far have been an amazing additional to the game.

We are not 100% set on the ideas we have, which is where you can have an input. We'd love for backers to suggest powers for us to try.

We want these powers to be thematic to each lord. Mors is 'The Magistrate' the administer of justice and punishment in the kingdom.

Backer's have already made some great suggestions.

Thane suggested "Mors could get a small bonus to his fighters attacking or could kill one enemy fighter card if Mors loses a combat, regardless of the combat card he uses"

Derek suggested "(Mors could be) able to take her turn at any point in the turn order, regardless of order set by the person with lowest VP (bending the laws)"

Absolutely love these!

So far we've been testing the idea of Mors being able to command a single minion already placed on the board to move to another location. Not taking the associated action but allowing Mors to be the only player to attack an outer regions that has been attacked twice already and also to access blocked resources.

Comment your ideas below and we will test them out, if your idea gets chosen we will put your name in the rulebook to say thank you.




Indie creator shoutout

I owe a lot to the tabletop community and the indie publishing scene. We all support each-other on this crazy journey. So I would l would love to shout out a few creators that have made a difference to me and allowed Crown of Ash to get this far.

Next is Book of Skulls by Cloudrunner Games

How I met Andy from founder of Cloudrunner was bizarre! I was at a non-gaming related gig with fellow game designer Scott James-Lowe, when through the crowd of literally thousands of people Andy appeared, with the bizarre but question, "Do you guys like board games?" We must exude nerdiness! Ever since then we've stayed in touch helping each-other out along the way and regularly meeting at conventions. 

Andy also wrote and recorded an entire album to accompany his game, so fans of metal will love this.

Another Stretch Goal Reached - Updated Card Design - New Goals Announced
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 05:27:33 AM

We have just unlocked the latest stretch goal for Crown of Ash! Screen printed resources tokens. This is an exciting addition that will have a large impact on not just the resources of the game buy also the cards and tile artwork. 

Above is what the Fighter cards will look like with the updated resource icons. We've also changed the 'Special Ingredients' icon from a '?' cube to a multi choice icon which I think will be more intuitive for players. This takes inspiration from games like Scythe and Stone Age but also puts out own Crown of Ash twist on it.

This brings us to our next stretch goal, a beautiful screen printed bag to store all those lovely standees in.

Backers have asked about storage options for the standees and we believe this will be a good solution that will allow players to ditch the box if they wish but keep the standees safe.

The other question we've had from backers is, if the Standees will fit into the main box.

The answer is not yet clear on this one, as we will need all the final components nailed down to know exactly what space we have to play with.

But! The next stretch goal will give us the ability to create our own custom insert, giving us the best chance to fit everything in.


Indie creator shoutout

I owe a lot to the tabletop community and the indie publishing scene. We all support each-other on this crazy journey. So I would l would love to shout out a few creators that have made a difference to me and allowed Crown of Ash to get this far.

One of the great things about this community and is the connections you make with other designers all around the world. Guillaume Boudreau the creator of the very beautiful Ruse coming to Kickstarter Next month, is one of those. He lives in Canada, and we've never actually met!

But we kept crossing paths in the design groups and started asking each-other advice regularly, sharing insights and tips we'd learned the hard way. It was so valuable having someone at a similar stage in the publishing process allowing me to not quite go through it alone.

Visio Asymmetric Player Power
over 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 01, 2023 at 08:49:23 AM

Crown of Ash will have some advanced player powers that bring asymmetry to the Lords. We've been play-testing how these will work for for a while and so far have been an amazing additional to the game.

But, we are not 100% set on the ideas we have, which is where you can have an input. We'd love for backers to suggest powers for us to try.

How do these powers work?

On a players turn they can trigger their unique power at any point in their turn. Once used, the power will not recharge until either the end of the round, or until they take the 'Refresh Action' by placing a worker onto their individual player mat and returning all used combat cards to their hand. 

To track the powers, each player will have a double sided token showing if the power is charged, once used, the token is flipped to the spent side.

We want these powers to be thematic to each lord. Visio is 'The Watcher' the lord in the know, gaining insight into situations that other lords can't.

We've already had a backer suggestion that Visio can look at the top card from the draw decks for the fighters to get a head start on resources for the next to be revealed. Which we love!

Other ideas have been around being able to look through other player used combat cards to determine what cards the player has left.

Comment your ideas below and we will test them out, if your idea gets chosen we will put your name in the rulebook to say thank you.




Indie creator shoutout

I owe a lot to the tabletop community and the indie publishing scene. We all support each-other on this crazy journey. So I would l would love to shout out a few creators that have made a difference to me and allowed Crown of Ash to get this far.

Next is Cloud Foxes by Paper Boat Games

The guys at Paper Boat are the most supportive bunch of guys around, when one of us got ill at UKGE on the busiest day. Martin offered to send someone over from their stall to help. Luckily we just about managed, but knowing someone has your back at their own expense is a wonderful thing. Their upcoming game Cloud Foxes is fantastic, check it out!